Flow selections are similar to the node selection in the way that it will allow serveral alternatives to be evaluated and compared easily in the model.
Once a flow selection have been added to the flow panel it is possible to add flow alternatives to this selection. Out of these alternatives one is set as active by the Active Num setting of the Flow selection. If several flows should be treated as one alternative they should be in a flow group in the Flow selection. For details on how to add Flows, Flow selections, and Flow groups to the flow panel see flow actions.

Flow selections can be used to "activate" different parts of the model or to have different variant routing in the same part of the model. An example of the latter case is shown in the image to the right. Here the variants Var1 and Var2 have different route alternatives through operation OP1 and OP2.
- The first alternative: Flow named Common is used to let both variants be processed in either of the two operations.
- The second alternative: The group named Group2 is used to let each variant have their own flow; Var1 with flow OP1Flow through operation OP1 and Var2 with flow OP2Flow through operation OP2.
This table lists the settings of the Flow selection along with a short description of each setting. The settings of the Flow selection are shown in the property panel once the Flow selection is selected in the flow panel.
Setting |
Description |
Active Num ↑ |
Shows the sequence number of the active flow/flow group in the flow selection and using the drop-down box it is possible to change the active flow/flow group.